Month: February 2017

Some Misplaced Opinions About Vaping

Lots of people turn to vaporisers as a cleaner and safer alternative to smoking a traditional cigarette. However, this has not stopped the conscientious public to give vaping a pretty hard beating in the medical arena, with the FDA enforcing strict regulations. But do they really know what they’re talking about?

First of all when you purchase vapour cigarettes, you should know what you’re getting into. You can try a disposable e cig and see if the taste suits you. Let’s take a look at some common misconceptions people harbour against vaporisers.

People randomly confuse e cigarettes with vaporisers all the time. They are not the same at all. An e cig will look like a regular cigarette and can be purchased at any supermarket or gas station. They come with cartridges that have to be replaced. Flavour or e juice selection is limited as well and you can consider them to be just a healthier replacement to cigarettes. On the other hand, when you walk into a vape shop, you’ll be surrounded with vape pens or advanced personal vaporisers. They allow you to keep the level of power in your hands, and also are priced reasonably, usually under $100. If you want to take it further, mods are available, increasing the thickness of vapour. A beginner usually starts off with an e cig and gradually progresses to advanced models, others are content with just a simple e cig all the way. This has increased sales of mods and decreased that of disposables, something which is hurting the tobacco industry.

Then there’s confusion in people’s minds about juices. In reality the principal base is vegetable glycerine. The other ingredients are propylene glycol, (not to be confused with diethylene glycol, an antifreeze, which is harmful) and the flavours which are a suspension in the propylene glycol. The flavours are food grade as well, and the varieties are endless. So we do know that there is a negligible amount of inhaled toxicity as contrary to the warning bells of alarmists. This toxicity is from basic pharma grade nicotine, and they are available in various strengths, sometimes up to 40 mg/ ml, a thing to be avoided.

There are many guys and girls out there who do not use nicotine at all when they inhale from their online vape shop in Australia. The sales from low strength e liquids far outstrip that from medium and high grade e liquids; a testimonial to the fact that users are gradually shifting away from nicotine.

Lastly, the fumes from a vaporiser are far less harmful than the fumes from a traditional cigarette and even a kid knows that. Levels of toxic elements in e cigs are 9-450 times lesser than in a normal cigarette. An e cig will help wean you away from smoking in the end.